Thursday, October 2, 2008

Springsteen & Joel

Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel will be playing together for the first time on the same bill in support of Barack Obama. A benefit concert that will take place at NYC's Hammerstein ballroom, it will also be Obama's last New York appearance before the Nov 4th election. I think it is awesome that the two of them will be playing together and really wish I could go see it, but with tickets ranging from $500-God knows how much it is highly unlikely. New York has always been democratic so, it's cool that these two from the tri-state area will be playing a show to support the democratic candidate. A lot of people around the tri-state area really look up to them. Springsteen had announced months ago that he endorses Obama, something that surely can't hurt his campaign. Seeing Joel play to a sold out Shea Stadium over the summer was out of control I can only imagine what it is going to be like to see him playing with Springsteen in a much smaller venue.

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