Monday, October 20, 2008

Palin Plays To Mixed Reviews

I'm sure as many of you know, Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin has recently been the butt of quite a few jokes on Saturday Night Live. Tina Fey's uncanny portrayal of Palin have had almost as many viewers than the presidential debates themselves. The real Sarah Palin made an appearance on SNL this weekend, to mix reviews. Palin danced along to a rap song which mocked both her campaign and Alaska, as well as poke fun at herself when Alec Baldwin mistakenly called her a "horrible woman", and "Caribou Barbie," thinking that she was Fey. Baldwin has been vocal about his dislike for Palin in real life, and has been strongly opposed to both her and McCain.

Some believe that her appearance may have helped her, "neutralizing the Tina Fey effect," said Robert Thompson, political expert from Syracuse University. They believe that by going on SNL, Palin was able to "damage control", and fix the impression that many people had about her credibility after watching the SNL skits. 

However others believe that her appearance did nothing but reinforce her negative reputation, criticizing the McCain campaign's judgment.  Many conservatives believe that by appearing on SNL, Palin has created an air of vulgarity around her, and question if John McCain did indeed make the right decision for a running mate.

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