Monday, October 20, 2008

New York Democrats Under Suspicion of Voter Fraud

How far would you go to get your presidential candidate elected? According to this article in the New York Post, four New Yorkers went pretty far...literally. The article states that four New Yorkers along with nine other members from across the country are accused of setting up a temporary home in Ohio, which is a swing state, just so that their votes would be counted there. They rented a house in Columbus, waited 30 days, and then registered even though it is not their permanent address. Ron O'Brian, the prosecutor, states he launched an investigation after "the board of elections referred 13 suspicious registrations to us, all from people with out-of-state addresses, all of whom claim to be living in a three-bedroom house in Columbus." Voter fraud is a felony in Ohio, which can land a person up to a year in prison.

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