Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama Graces the Cover of "The Source"

You don't even need to read the article to figure out who The Source wants you to vote for this November. I mean, it should be no surprise that ,as Barack Obama is the first individual of color to have a legitimate chance at becoming president (and by all accounts is in the lead) and hip-hop is very much a genre/industry of color, that The Source would support him but what happened to being fair and balanced (my apologies to FOX for stealing their catch phrase). I mean, most people aren't turning to The Source to figure out how to vote, or at least I hope that is not the case, but how can any media source state that they showcase a "faceoff" inside their pages when there is a massacre on the front page? The Source's website states "The Politics Issue isn’t just about Obama and McCain. But this special issue will let you know where the candidates stand on the issues you care about most." As if McCain isn't stuck up in the top right corner for no one to see and Obama covers the entire page with his campaign logo along the bottom of the cover. We are here so many complaints about FOX and how they cover news, and rightly fully so, but this appears to be the polar opposite. Then again, The Source isn't a 24/7 news source.

Listen, entertainers and hollywood types rarely pull for Republicans but shouldn't there at least be an attempt to show unbias? Apparently not.

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