Monday, October 13, 2008

Need help Cheating in Movie Trivia?

Internet Movie DataBase is probably one of my favorite sites/ popular sites amongst movie fans. For any of you who still do not know what it is...I will give you a quick glance into its greatness.
First of all, it is an internet based website that links you to almost any information you would like to know, or curiously think about before bed, or even just useful movie facts that you can use to impress your friends. If you look up a movie title you will likely find anything about it from who directed and produced it, who is in it, memorable quotes, reviews, times and places it is playing etc...

There are other things on the site such as movie news( a great spot for ideas for blogposts). There is even a crazy discussion board in which movie freaks can talk and discuss movies in detail. People make up trivia games , or even ask others for help in finding a movie they only know bits and pieces about ( because they know some other movie geek will be able to help them) and that is certainly the place to find them.

So I basically use it for mainly looking up show times, and silly movie facts thats i just can remember but the site actually has a lot more to offer. I was messing around and searching through the site and this is some fun stuff i found....

A game that you can play. Called tile sliders where you rearrange tiles to form pictures from scenes from movies.

They list all up coming film festivals. The New York Film festival just ended, but starting the 15th is the Hampton's International Film Festival.

Local listings of TV shows are posted.

So the next time you and your friends decide to play movie trivia, pretend to be doing HW on your computer, play along, and CHEAT using!!

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