Friday, October 17, 2008

Personal Revelation = Interesting Feature Article

pic courtesy of: Plamen Petkov (GQ Magazine)
I found this article in this months GQ Magazine. I think it's a great example of what we've been speaking about in feature writing lately - in terms of writing a feature based on a personal experience. In this feature, writer Devin Friedman conducts his own little human experiment on Craig's List. Devin is searching for an African-American friend after concluding he really doesn't have any. So he places an add for an 'African-America Friend' in the activities section of Craig's List.

The story is great in terms of recounting his experience and the characters who respond to the ad. It also goes that one step further and analyses culutral trends surrounding men making new friends later in life. It's quite humorous and definitely a quirky idea for a story. It really made me think just how much our own personal experiences can translate into an interesting feature...

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