Saturday, October 25, 2008

AIG Employee Votes report

I interviewed 4 employee A.I.G auto insurance employees sector in Binghamton, NY to see how they've been effected, their thoughts on the government bailout plan,and if the current financial predicament of the United States has changed who they what to elect as president. I found that these sale executives have been trying to make ends meet for most of this year since with sales have been rapidly decreasing, the fear of layoffs is prevent in daily conversations among colleagues and their bosses. I also found that even though everyone is feeling the lost of bonuses checks, which was 30% of some paychecks, people have different opinions as to what they think about the bail out. I also found the employees voting opinion on which candidate was better for the job, wasn't changed due to the Bailout but justified. This was true no matter which side of the aisle ones party was on. The bailout made Democrats think even more like Democrats and made the Republicans think more like republican. There seemed to be no middle ground. The Democrats felt that this was the only was to support companies that are vial to the world's economy and Republican saw the bailout as a step toward socializing the banks and setting a bad president to those who make bad business choices.

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