Wednesday, October 29, 2008

College + Beer= Obesity?

In the website of USA Today I read an article about a study that was conducted at the University of Indiana and Tufts University. "Indiana researchers surveyed 272 female students and 149 men on the campus about their weight and living habits." In this research 67% of the women gained weight from the beginning of their freshman year to the beginning of the senior year, putting on an average of 10 pounds; 86% of men gained an average of 14 pounds.

Although the freshman 15 may not affect everyone, weight gain, beer and the crazy college life is still an issue with college students all around the U.S. It is something that should be taken into consideration since the U.S. is one of the places with the highest rates of obesity in the nation. Students should drink and eat with certain moderation so their health won't be at risk.

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