Thursday, October 16, 2008

All The World's a Stage

If you are interested in another sort of theater than the kind staged last night with the presidential candidates at Hofstra University, check out the New Paltz production of Steven Sondheim's "Company," which opens tonight at the McKenna Theater. Click here for more info.

In other musical theater news, Charles Isherwood wrote an engaging review in the New York Times today of a one-man show called "Clay," which runs for a few weeks at the Duke on 42nd Street. I thought Danny Hoch had the field of white-dude-hip-hop-stagecraft to himself; evidently not.

On the topic of political theater, Patricia Cohen's essay on the current absence of drama with a conservative perspective (also in the NYT) is food for thought.

Finally, a friend sent this link, which I found amusing in the light of last night's debate:

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