Friday, October 31, 2008

Ultimate College Bowl

The Ultimate College Bowl is a competition between colleges nation-wide. The competition sets out to see how many students each university can register to vote. The prize awarded to the college with the most students registered is a concert from my personal favorite band Death Cab for Cutie and the college with the highest percentage of their student body registered will win a concert from Colin Meloy of The Decemberist. The campus that won the visit from Ben Gibbard himself was the University of California Santa-Barbara registering a whooping 10,265 students. Santa-Barbara also had the highest percentage with 48.69%. Even though the leader boards were graced with bigger school, Suny New Paltz found its way on the leader board through the efforts of Gianna Cioffi. Cioffi registered 539 students by herself finishing sixth in the nation in the single student category. The Ultimate College Bowl was a great success in registration college students to vote along with getting them involved in the election; and hopefully their efforts will pay off on November 4th.

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