Monday, October 13, 2008

Hearing Loss From Headphones

This article in the New York Times talks about the possible hearing loss that many iPod users will face. The maximum volume that is considered safe to listen to is about 89 decibels; iPods can be as loud as 115 decibels. These volumes are so high that they can be as loud as an airplane taking off nearby. There are regulations for safe sound limits in loud workplaces, such as a factory, so why not set limits for iPods and other music devices? People listening to music with headphones for more than an hour each day may have permanent hearing loss after five years. The article says that "if young people continue to listen to music for long periods of time and at high volume levels during several years, they run the risk of developing hearing loss by the time they reach their mid-twenties.” So if other people can hear the music coming from your headphones then it's probably too loud, really.

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