Sunday, October 19, 2008

High School Students get Political

Pine Bush High School students held a mock election this past week in Mitch Silverberg's history class. They participated with posters, speeches, and commercials which all led to the final election for them. Voters were mostly students but some faculty. Voters ranged from three countries and seven towns. Students ranged in ages 14-18.

Students held debates and spoke about the issues each candidate stood behind. One student said that attacking the candidates doesn't even matter, its the issues that count. Factors such as race, religion, gender, or age apparently didn't matter to these High School students. They put all of that aside and voted on the important issues.

After all was said and done, Obama won their election 484-254.

I think this was a great idea for the students to get involved. Having our younger society understand politics at a much younger age is a benefit to all of us. When it is their time to vote they will know how to look into the issues as opposed to just looking at the candidates. I think every High School should do something like this. Get students active and interested in the world around them no matter what age they are.

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