Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Deal Dilemma

The family of Martin Luther King Jr. has been disputing over several things since their mother died in 2006. Coretta Scott King was colaborating with biographer Barbara Reynolds to make a second biography of her life. The colaboration included “intimate letters between the Kings and documents concerning the civil rights movement,” according to a brief filed in the case. These files are being held by the children of Mrs. King and the publisher, Penguin has said they will demand the return of the $300,000 advance if Reynolds doesn't get the papers to finish writing the book.

This is interesting to me because not only are they acting like idiots but they're tarnishing the reputation of a man held in the highest esteem in our country. He helped so many people live out their dreams and further their lives and now his children are bickering over the rights to a book. Two of their children, Bernice King and Martin Luther King III, say that Coretta decided that she didn't want Reynolds to write the biography after all but the third child, Dexter King, says that his siblings and mother signed over any intellectual property to their father's estate which he has control over.

It seems that they are all trying to further their careers and fatten their wallets. These are the products of one of the greatest men in history? Interesting.

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