Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Ever since Obama told Joe the Plumber that "No one likes taxes," and "Now is a time to spread the wealth around," I haven't been able to stop running across ads that compare the presidential hopeful to Karl Marx.

"Are they serious?" I keep asking myself. The guy wants to give tax cuts to 90% of American families, to hard working families struggling to make ends meet, and this alone is enough reason to call him a Marxist? Sure, some people might not agree with the idea of taxing the wealthy more, but last I checked that was called being a DEMOCRAT, not a communist, socialist, or marxist, all of which I have seen Obama been labeled over the past few weeks.

To me, it just seems like another scare tactic. First he's a muslim, then he's a terrorist, and now he's a communist. It's getting ridiculous. I can't believe what people will say to stop someone from getting elected, and neither can Joe Biden, as can be seen in this interview with an Orlando reporter:

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