Monday, October 13, 2008

The Giving Tree Band

Picture courtesy of!

In an article I came across on (my favorite news website) I was looking through the living green section and I stumbled across an article about a band that plays in a very green way. To start, when they work they ride their bikes to and from work 6 days a week. Great way to save on gas and save the environment.All of the instruments they use to play on have been made from wind-fallen trees. These instruments include a violin, a bass, a mandolin and a banjo. They are all very dedicated to living a green lifestyle so everything they do is influenced and based around green decisions. They are big supporters of eco-friendly organizations such as Illinois Renewable Resource Association, and Growing Home Farm. They are an extremely inspriring musical group with backgrounds in jazz, rock and roll and classical music. There song lyrics are environmentally inspiring which is backed up by extreme actions.

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