Sunday, October 12, 2008

Same-sex marriage legal in Connecticut

Unfortunately, when our country is consumed with the war in Iraq and this epic financial crisis, the battle for the civil rights of American citizens seems to take a backseat. This Friday, however, gay marriage was legalized in Connecticut bringing the total number of states in which it is legal for homosexual couples to join in matrimony to a whopping...three. The Supreme Court reversed the previously held civil union law and claimed that marriage was a constitutional right. The discrimination continues, though, as some are still grappling with the idea of same-sex marriage. Nowadays it seems that everyone is accepting of the gay community, and even Sarah Palin is "tolerant" of homosexuality, but when it comes to the word marriage controversy always arises. This article in the New York Times, in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in Connecticut, brings up some freshly baked arguments against the verdict. Two people fo the same sex cannot procreate, so biologically they should not be wed? This standpoint is just another ignorant excuse to prevent the happiness of others. Yes, it is true that a man cannot create a child without a woman unless he is Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie Junior, but he can raise a child without a woman, and vice versa. The typical Mom, Dad, and baby makes three setup is overrated and not effective for the raising of a child unless Mom and Dad are actually fit to be parents. Who is to say two men or two women can't raise a family with, love, devotion, and responsibility? Plus, with the increase of human population, the destruction of our planet, and the amount of parentless and suffering children out there, maybe it is actually preferable for a homosexual couple to adopt and raise a child then for an ignorant heterosexual couple to procreate.

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