Sunday, October 12, 2008

Food and Politics

Michael Pollan has hit The New York Times again. In this article, entitled, Farmer-In-Chief he addresses our failing food and agriculture policies, and encourages the new president-elect to consider alternative food systems, such as organic, humane, and local- that have started to become increasingly more popular as our current food system continues to decline. Halfway down on the second page, he sums up his idea by stating.. "we need to wean the American food system off its heavy 20th-century diet of fossil fuel and put it back on a diet of contemporary sunshine."

Pollan argues that the example set in the White House, will reflect upon America's views on food, and be a strong influence on changing the way our food system now operates. The article is long, about 9 pages, but it is really great, and is a great summary of what we have been talking about for the past couple months. Pollan makes the topic of food revelant through the use of politics, which is a major issue in the news right now.

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