Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Iron Man 2?

I thought it was pretty apparent from the way they left off from the first "Iron Man" that there would be a sequel, and I was correct. Yahoo News reported that the next "Iron Man" will be out in 2010. Robert Downey Jr. also signed a contract for "The Avengers" which is due out in 2011 which will feature many other of Marvel's key comic book characters.

I fully enjoyed the first "Iron Man," and am pretty excited for the next one but I hope it doesn't turn out to be like so many other superhero flicks. Most of them turn out to be some bad romantic-action movie that has amazing special effects but a horrible plot to go with it.

Jon Favreau will be returning to direct "Iron Man 2" so hopefully that will help the movie to have the same kind of style as the first one and not be a let down.

According to EOnline Don Cheadle will be taking over the role of Col. James Rhodes though and I hate when sequels replace characters. Terrence Howard played the role previously and as much as I love Don Cheadle I wish they would just cut the character out of the movie if they have to replace the character with a different actor.

I don't know, I'm hoping that the sequel will turn out to be just as good as the first one, but I won't bet on it.

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