Monday, October 27, 2008

Proposition 8

Proposition 8 has been stirring up a lot of noise in California. The proposition which would ban the now legal same sex marriages in California has been causing a lot of controversy. A recent poll shows that 55 percent of voters are in support of the bill and 34 percent oppose it. An article by the New York Times reported that people from all over the country are getting involved to make sure it passes in California. The religious community is afraid that since California is a big trend setter amongst the country, if they legalize same sex marriage there will be no turning back. Charles W. Colson the founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries said about Proposition 8, "We lose this, we are going to lose in a lot of other ways, including freedom of religion.” Wouldn't passing Proposition 8 insure freedom of religion. There are many people out there who do not believe that same sex marriage goes against a supposed God or those that are gay are going to burn in hell. So passing the Proposition would insure them freedom of religion. If you do not believe in it let it alone. Weren't most of us taught if you don't have something nice to say don't say it? Everyone should enjoy the freedom of religion not just Christians. There have been many advertisements in support of the proposition in California that warn if it does not pass that churches will be brought up on charges if they do not recognize same sex marriages and ministers will be jailed if they preach against it, but those who oppose the proposition say that these are just scare tactics. People should not be scared into voting a certain way. Many national religious groups have poured a lot of money into the "Yes on 8" campaign. Have you ever had a family party at a Knights of Columbus Hall? Much of the money thrown into the campaign has come from them. With the numbers so close it should be interesting to see if it passes and how other states with marriage amendments will do at the polls next week.

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