Saturday, October 4, 2008

Work and How to Get It.

According to career expert Joe Turner, the financial problems Wall Street has gotten us into, may have very well changed how we now discover financial utopia.

Turner suggest that people in search of careers change their approach by marketing themselves as problem solvers, and ultimately as a profitable “brand.”

In his article, titled "Wall Street Shakeup Changes the Job-Search Game," Turner states three "action steps" for pretty much selling yourself.

It may not necessarily be a change of approach, more than it is keeping up with what career experts and professionals have been saying all along. People should always keep the necessary career-search fundamentals in mind when looking for work that would actually be beneficial for their lives and the lives of those who follow (i.e. family).

Also, check out these relating articles:

Job Hunting in an Unsteady Economy

12 Tips for a Lengthy Job Search

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