Friday, October 10, 2008

The Socialist States of America?

So, the nation...our nation...the United States of America, was founded on the idea of the Republic. What began as a loose coalition of colonies soon congealed into a tight knit alliance of states functioning as independent governments that agreed to abide by the same constitution. And, much to the surprise and chagrin of older and more prestigious nations, our forefathers did it. They managed to create a system of checks and balances that would allow our nation to the thrive. This is no surprise to anyone who has been reared and educated in the United States. We thrived for many reasons, one of which was our free market economy. While I am opposed to the idea of elitism, capitalism and our Constitution has for the most part kept the federal government where it belongs. On the back burner. However, in the last eight years the strangle hold that the federal government has on this country has increased exponentially. In the last days of the Bush administration (hopefully) there is a faction (of very wealthy politicians, bankers, oil men, and former CEOs) that want to buy into the banking system. The government is going to take ownership.

I honestly don't know what the outcome of such a move would be, but last I checked that is socialism. Socialism...if memory serves me correctly, is that thing right next to communism. Aren't these ideologies that our nation has gone to war over? Wasn't the red scare all about the American born communist (kind of like home grown terrorists) who attended socialist parties. Oh my God, not the communist, socialists, terrorists, Jihadists! You can bet, that if the Bush Administration is looking to take ownership of the free banking system...there is something shady in the deal. Some way, some how the action is going to step all over your constitutional rights. Shame on George Walker Bush, shame on Dick Cheney, shame on Condeleeza Rice...SHAME ON US!

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