Saturday, October 4, 2008

Restaurants serving family farm produce.

The North Dakota Farmers Union has decided that the economy will not effect people eating and buying locally grown foods. The farmers and members of the union are so confident that the trend of organic and local food will still prevail even during times of economic crisis . They have even gone so far as to open a pair of restaurants that specializes in just using food grown on family farms from all ove the United States. One of them is to be opened just blocks away from the White House in Washington DC. They plan on making it "washingtons greenest restaurant". Not only will the focus be on the food, but these restaurants are now complying with LEED standards. This means that the construction and design of the buildings are considered to be green building certified.

I think that by these farmers unions having so much faith in keeping local farms in business, it is helping to "feed" the growing trend. Althought they said the restaurants are still slow to catch on and business is often slow, I think that it still has potential for more and more people to catch on. I mean , since ive lived in New Paltz ( a place defintly big on the green , organice movement) ive tried tofu, tried becoming a vegetarian, eaten at Karma Road, and have purchased food at and visited several local farms. Therefore if i have participated in this, many more people will also.

Here is the article.

Founding Fathers ( the restaurant in Washington D.C)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Nicole;

Thank you for your coverage of Founding Farmers restaurant. I'm the publicist for both restaurants you've mentioned, and want to clarify a few points.

You mentioned that the NDFU has opened a pair of restaurants, which is true, however one of them - Founding Farmers - is the new concept that just opened on September 18. The other restaurant, a different concept called Agraria, has been open for 2 years, is an entirely different restaurant, and is doing well.

Founding Farmers is the restaurant that has been designed to meet LEED design criteria standards in the interior architecture. It is true that the base building in which the restaurant is located is LEED certified, however, the review & audit process by the USGBC is still underway for the restaurant, and is anticipated to be complete in the next couple of months.

Founding Farmers is a Certified Green Restaurant, as approved by the Green Restaurant Association, for operational practices that help to reduce the waste created by the restaurant, in the front of the house with patrons, and in the back of the house with employees. Agraria was not designed to LEED standards, but will retroactively adapt the Green Restaurant Association standards to help reduce the carbon footprint of the business.

Neither restaurant was slow to catch on, not two years ago, and not now with Founding Farmers. Both restaurants are doing well, particularly Founding Farmers, with great opening month numbers thus far and an amazing response from the press and the public. With Agraria in Washington Harbour in Georgetown, and Founding Farmers just 3 blocks from the White House, each is prominently located to attract a wide variety of guests, which they do.

Like many other places in the US, Washington, DC has embraced the sustainable agriculture movement, its foodie fans ready to become localvores, and ready to support sustainable businesses like Founding Farmers, where being green has a lot more to do with than just the food, as you've mentioned.

I do hope you'll make a correction or two, particularly to the LEED standards, and the information regarding the state of each business, understanding that you've not been to either and want to be helpful in sharing this kinds of information with your readers.

Sincere thanks,
Jennifer Motruk Loy