Monday, September 1, 2008

Pink Eye spreads better believe it!

So , I just began my senior year of college. My seven housemates and I (14 in total if you count the other side of our duplex style house) decided it would be a good idea to live it up. Going out a total of seven nights in a row was all fun and games until an unwanted house guest arrived. His name…CONJUCTIVITIS(pink eye). Starting with one of my housemates about a week ago, then to another…and now onto me. How does it spread so fast? I can’t really recall touching my friends eyes and rubbing it into mine but apparently you’re supposed to be really careful around those with pink eye. I wasn’t. Ive had it a few times in my life but its really annoying and I will definitely be more careful around the infected ones.

As soon as I started to show symptoms I quickly ran to my computer to check it out on ~Web MD~. I would say a lot of college kids use this to self diagnose themselves so they don’t have to go to the health center on campus ( I hate it there).

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