Sunday, September 14, 2008

Here comes Ike!

Whether it be from global warming or just a force of nature, i can't help but notice the number of hurricanes hitting the gulf coast in recent weeks. Yes, I am aware that it is hurricane season but this year seems to be on par with 2005's notorious season. With the most recent storm, Ike, a Yahoo! article says the storm is the first to make a direct hit on a major U.S. city since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The numbers will definitly prove this point; 21 people have died in 9 states, nearly 2,000 people have been rescued from affected areas, and 42,000 people are in state and Red Cross shelters as of Saturday night. Damage was caused by the storm as far north as Chicago where sandbags needed to be placed along the river. Further damage was brought to about 10 prouction platforms in the Gulf but gas prices will hopefully stay where they are. Either way, I'm filling up tomorrow.

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