Sunday, September 14, 2008

Burn After Reading

This past weekend the new Coen Brothers film "Burn After Reading" hit theaters. The film is said to chronicle the trials and tribulations behind one duo of gym co-workers (Brad Pitt (as can be seen in the photograph to the left recently featured in the NY Post) and Frances McDormand) as they attempt to leak valuable CIA-related information that they obtained from a former CIA Agent (John Malkovich). An article written in The Village Voice comments that the film is full of entertaining banter such as this from the opening scene: ""You have a drinking problem," one nerdy suit informs the irate Cox. "Fuck you, Peck—you're a Mormon,"". In the article, J Hoberman remarks that the Coen Brothers have returned to their roots of parody in this film. Hoberman also goes on to discuss the film comparatively in contrast with the brothers previous filming escapades. As a sucker for comedies, I personally can not wait to get out to the theater and see this one. You can click here for Hoberman's complete review of the film, or check out one of the films trailers here that I found floating around on YouTube.

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