Monday, September 29, 2008

Clay is gay?! OMG no way!

Yes, it is true. Dozens of media outlets revealed erlier this week that the ex-American Idol hopeful is finally admitting he is gay. Of course the biggest news here is that everyone could have guessed it. Reuters gave a good run down of the situation including the birth of Clay's new baby boy, Parker Foster Aiken. Clay's "official" outting came on Wednesday on the cover of People magazine where he was holding his son and the caption read "Yes, I'm Gay." Of course released a photo of the cover on Tuesday. Another quote on the cover, "I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things," gives good, honest reasoning as to why he is deciding to come out now.

on a side note, Bill Maher had a funny little faux People magazine cover with a bear in the woods stating an obvious fact "I S%#t here." Unfortunatly the website has not yet posted that episode.

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