Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The Clinton Global Initiative is an organization created by President Bill Clinton in 2005 that basically brings leaders from around the world together to solve challenges facing the world today. Every year he has an annual meeting in which major leaders from all over meet together to talk about several issues; CGI has raised nearly 30 million dollars in regards to the following:

Avoid or reduce more than 40 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions
Supply more than 4 million people with access to clean-energy services in the developing world
Fund more than 270 microfinance institutions, permitting access to finance for close to 3 million microentrepreneurs
Provide more than 8 million children with access to schooling
Increase access to health services or improve quality of care for over 11 million people
Target 34 million people for the treatment of neglected tropical diseases
Provide interventions addressing malnutrition or under-nutrition for over 42 million children

Each year, Clinton proposes a plan of action for the year in regards to solving a number of issues, and every member of the CGI makes a "commitment" for the year. You can learn more about CGI and their accomplishments and future hopes for change at

The reason I am blogging about this is because I was only brought to attention about this organization through my dad. My dad is the manager of the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers in Manhattan where Clinton holds his annual meeting. My dad has been able to sit through a few of the conferences and passed on the information to me. The CGI meeting is being held 9/23-9/26 this year and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it!

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