Monday, September 22, 2008

A New Planet?

There seems to be what might be known as a new planet that has been found by astronomers from the University of Toronto. They published a picture of an image of this ‘maybe planet’ orbiting another Sun-like star just recently. According to the New York Times, “The planet, according to their observations, is 7 to 12 times as massive as Jupiter and is about 30 billion miles from a star known as 1RXS J160929.1-210524, about 500 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius.”

From the islands of Hawaii in Mauna Kea last spring, astronomers used a 270-inch diameter Gemini North Telescope and found sharpened images of both a star and a planet. Even though they found this so called planet last spring, they also found two other so-called “exo-planets” that have been photographed in 2004. One of the red specks that they observed was about five times the mass of Jupiter “orbiting a kind of failed star known as a brown dwarf in the constellation Hydra.”

Even though astronomers in Toronto don't know if this is really a new planet or not, they are still doing research about the planet and its star in order to figure out what should be known.

To check out the article use this link...

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