Sunday, September 14, 2008

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Read this blog.

Now read this one.

Interesting. I would never believe that our troops are over there twiddling their thumbs all day (at least, not all of them), so I'm pretty certain Anwar is an embittered citizen who resents foreigners "ruling" his or her country. It's an understandable mentality. On the same token, "the people" often complain that groups working for change do no change at all. When change demands inconvenience and time, those working for change are criticized. (For an example of this, see the article I wrote in The Oracle on university members' responses to changed class times. I had to put this plug in because we are supposed to write about local news.) 

Still, I share one of Anwar's sentiments: I'd like our troops home, too...especially since they are, according to Anwar, not welcome.

At least General Petraeus sent them a thank you.

1 comment:

spot said...

hmm. No, not all of our troops are over there twiddeling their thumbs. Alot of them are definitely standing around, wasting thier lives away, waiting for something to happen, though. Thats how war is. We get these images on tv about how Iraq is the constant high instensity shooting match. That is Faux media hype. Yes, it is intense at times. Its sporatic though. If I was Anwar I'd be pretty disenchanted too. Alot of money is going into the effort of Iraq...there just isn't alot of product. That has nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with rip off hacks like Haliburton and KBR. They are government contracted thiefs. They charge the government ridiculous amounts of money and the troops and the Iraqis suffer for it. It is so complex though. Many people like to simplify the situation over there and just say ok bring the troops home, its not working out well. On the one side I would agree. Its like banging your head against a brick wall. For every insurgent killed, five Iraqi civilians die, two American troops die, and another "terrorist/insurgent" is born...that is if you believe that a man defending his homeland and his family is actually a terrorist. On the other hand, you can also say that the Iraqis get in their own way. If they would just stop the "insurgent activity" and let the area stabilize our troops could leave and the Iraqis woudl get their shot at independence. Hmm, maybe or maybe not. For those of us who have been there, well I would hate to think that we went there and losta a little piece of our selves for no reason, because we left before the mission was accomplished...whatever the hell the mission is or has become. The last thing any service member or veteran wants to happen at this point is that we leave the country and it implodes. An all massacre takes the lives of hundreds of thousenads of Iraqis and then we have to go back and start all over from the nasty beginning. And by Iraqis, lets be clear, I mean the innocent women and children, the old and infirmed, the apolitical father trying to keep his family safe adn the scared-out-of-his-mind police officer who learned how to shoot a pistol like yesterday. Anwar, isn't working with all of the facts but is definitley struggeling under a harder reality than most Americans right now. I don't know what the answer is. We treated Iraq like it was our very own snow globe. We turned it upside down and shook the everlovin crap out of it and then stood by and watched as the dust tried to settle. If the Iraqi people had a vote to and they decided, by majority, they would rather suffer the consequences of our departure than endure our occupation then I would say lets get the hell out of dodge, but...don't call me back and ask me to clean up the mess. Anyway, most of the people I serve with, feel this way. Thought you might be interested in our view. PS. As a side note. Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism. The powers that be, say that it is all a part of the war on terror. Thats crap. Iraq is about making money. Hand over fist. Yeah, most of us service members feel that way too, like you said though, not all.