Sunday, September 28, 2008

Google Branches Out

Google comes up with their first cell phone. T-Mobile will be the lucky winner of the first Android cell phone. Android, is Google’s new cell phone operating system. Android will eventually picked up by as many as 30 carriers after they see the launch.
The G1, with Android, is going to be comparable to the iPhone. It will have a touch screen, Wi-Fi, accelerometer that rotates the screen when you turn it, finger slide to unlock, over-the-air downloadable application store and music store, which is all similar to the iPhone, with the addition of Google Maps as a feature.
In almost every way this phone will be just like the iPhone. One big difference is the full QWERTY keyboard and plethora of external buttons and eternal expandable memory slot. This phone has potential to be great but the provider T-Mobile from my own experience is not worthy of such a phone. On a positive note the phone is unlocked, which means you can use it on any provider after a period of time.

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