Sunday, September 14, 2008

Something Local, Something New...

There's lots to do in the Hudson Valley on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in early autumn. You could go to the Taste of New Paltz, for instance. Yet, sometimes inclement weather or even indecisive weather can marr even the best laid plans. This past Sunday, heavy and very full-looking clouds threatened our plans of enjoying all the fabulous food that New Paltz has to offer. Even when the clouds decided to blow out of ton, the too-warm-for-fall weather mixed with wet grass and an abundance of knats, made the idea of the Taste of New Paltz not so appealing.

Alternative? Oh yes. The Wine Trail. Woo-hoo. Starting out any winery in the area, you can travel along a single road and winery-hop. Its fantabulous! Each winery charges anywhere form 2 dollars to 10 dollars and offers upwards of six wine samples. One place even offered 18 wine samples. All of the wineries are willing to give direction to the next closest winery so that the I mean study of fine wines may continue. It was truly a great time and I highly recommend it to all, even the non drinkers. I served as DD for day and still had a great time. Remember be responsible and if you drink, don't drive.

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