Monday, September 22, 2008

Politics Drama...Who Cares?

Politics drama. If you are following this year's presidential debate, which who isn't?, then you will notice there is a ton of hype. It's everywhere and everyone is paying attention, and everyone is getting involved, and everyone has an opinion to weigh in or a judgement to pass. Sure this election is historical. The first African American to run for President and the first female to run for Vice President. Woo-hoo! Here is something I don't understand, the media and the American people at large are wrapped around the axle about who said what and where those family values are and have been. I, as an average tax paying American, could care less about who goes to church, who's kid is pregnant, who is Muslim, who's spouse is stronger or smarter or blah, blah, blah. I don't want to know where they "kind of" stand on the issues, I don't want rhetoric and what they should change. I want solid concrete answers on the issues at hand. I want to know who is getting us out of Iraq the fastest, who has a plan to fix wall street and the banking industry, who has a plan for holding people accountable, who is going to actually address the border control problem, who has a plan ready to go to fix the health care problem as well as the growing disparity between classes.and most importantly which one of them is going to defend the Constitution with their last breath. Because without it, we aren't America anymore.

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