Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rugby Movie!!

On Friday September 26th, the movie Forever Strong will be released to theaters. Finally a movie that is featuring the sport in which I play...Rugby. The movie features rugby players ( or at least actors who play rugby players) and there struggles and dedication to the sport. Its not very often that rugby is featured in any movie so this is big and exciting. With actors such as Sean Astin, Neal McDonough and Gary Cole, based on the trailer on Internet Movie Database, it looks like it is going to be a good one. Rugby is all about its traditons, and dedication to the sport so I have a good feeling that almost anyone who plays rugby will be making the time to see this movie.

As a rugby player, i know when i first started the game seemed very confusing to me. So if your hesitant to see this movie becasue you don't really know anything about the game here are a few sites that may better explain it. So get pumped...and go see this movie!!

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