Sunday, September 14, 2008

Petition drive calls for bars in New Paltz to close earlier

I also read the article in The Oracle about the bars in town closing earlier. I looked into other newspaper websites to see if they reported on it too. I personally think it would be a terrible idea for the bars to close at 2am. There are still so many people in the bars at that time, not just students, but locals too. All those people would be out on the streets of New Paltz at 2 am. I think it would cause so many problems, especially drunk driving because other bars in other towns would still be open until 4am. I would not want to be on Main Street at 2am when all the drunk people are forced out of the bars. The Daily Freeman article I read did not do as good as job as the Oracle reporting the story. They did not talk to any bar owners and get quotes from them on their feelings. The Oracle showed more of both sides of the story. I really hope the petition does not go through and the bars remain to be open until 4am.

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