Monday, September 15, 2008


So two weeks ago I'm watching the first week of the NFL season on FOX, and I keep seeing commercials for this new game show, "Hole in the Wall" after all the games are over. The ads were something like this:

I found myself wondering, "It can't really be that simple can it? That wouldn't be on TV." But it IS that simple. Basically, there are two teams of three and usually the team members share a body type and/or job that is opposite in some way from their opponents. For example, the bodybuilders versus the beer bellies, the horse jockeys versus the sumo wrestlers, or the overweight Italian women versus the overweight black women. There are then different rounds of different combinations of the team members trying to, well, get through the hole in the wall. Whichever team gets through the most holes successfully wins, and get to go through a wall basically blind for a chance to get more money, which altogether can equal up to $130,000.
Really, Fox? Really? This is the best you can come up with? You've had success recently with shows like "House", "Bones", "Family Guy", "The Simpsons, "Prison Break" and of course "24." This is the best thing you can come up with now? I can't believe that this show, with it's overly simplistic premise, god-awful "hosts" (one of whose jobs is just to say "Time to face the Hole!" before every turn, the EXACT SAME WAY) and annoying contestents, can make it on primetime on a major network. It's like a trainwreck.
And, for some reason, I keep tuning in every time it's on.

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