Monday, September 15, 2008

On Saturday the New Paltz Women's Rugby team kicked off the fall season in a scrimmage against Vassar College. This has been the third year in a row that the season has started with a scrimmage against Vassar, but this year was a little different. Since Vassar is a division 1 team, they usually mix both A and B side players in the game because New Paltz is a division 2 team, but this year they wanted to play a full A side game. It was an honor for New Paltz because Vassar is a nationally ranked team. Vassar won the game 55-5, but New Paltz definitely held their own. Everyone was nervous since most of the team has not played rugby since last season in the Spring, but that went away once we stepped out onto the field. It was a great way to start off the season against such a good team. Next Sunday starts the official season against Marist College.

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