Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mohonk Preserve to Host 10 Mile Trail Race

If you are an experienced runner or just somebody who enjoys the outdoors and running a quick 10 miles(maybe not so quick) then you should definitely sign up for this fund-raising race. The Pfalz Point Trail Challenge is having a benefit run to raise money for the Mohonk Preserve. The Preserve is a non profit organization that has been ,for many years, trying to protect the Shawangunk Ridge and has been trying to widen the understanding of the environment and it's importance in all of our lives.

The race is on Sunday, September 28 at 9:00 a.m. and is limited to the first 300 runners and has sold out for the past three years so if you are interested, register early. Runners also enjoy a free post-race meal supplied by our own Main Street Bistro of some delicious chili and cornbread but spectators can also come by and enjoy the grub for $8.00. If you have never been to the Mohonk Preserve, I would say check it out regadless if you are running or not. It is a great place with many different scenic landscapes(even waterfalls) that you will be sure to remember.

Photo(above) of Mohonk Preserve trail in High Falls, NY taken  from

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