Saturday, September 13, 2008

Heels For Babies

When I was about 12, all I wanted for my birthday was a pair of high heel sandals. I begged and pleaded and offered to clean out the basement in return for the little black shoes, but of course, my mother told me that decent little girls, like me, were not allowed to wear "grown up" shoes. 
Well, it seems those days are over. Stilettos are now being marketed for babies. A woman named Britta Bacon came up with the idea and the shoes have become increasingly popular over the past 15 weeks of which they have been on the market. Bacon and her business parter are sending some to the Emmy Awards as well, for celebrities with new baby girls. 
It's interesting to think about how most parents a so concerned with their children growing up too fast and becoming too experienced at a young age; but it seems that if mothers are okay with their babies crawling around on the floor in their mini Jimmy Choos, will they have a problem when they want to wear mini skirts in second grade, and then get a tattoo on their 13th birthday? Hmmm, I wonder how different our society would be if our parents let us grow up as fast as we wanted?

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