Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jamie's Fowl Dinners

So I spoke in class about the television special 'Jamie's Fowl Dinners' in which UK celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver (the naked chef) set up a dining room to appear like a Gala Dinner and then shocked patrons with news about how their eggs and chickens are actually produced. This is a review from a New Zealand reviewer about the show.
It's scathing to say the least and while I personally enjoyed the show, the reviewer does make some valid points about the 'crusade' Oliver embarks on to teach (or is that preach?) to everyone about the cruelty of caged chickens. However, on the brighter side of things, UK Supermarket chains anwered Oliver's call and are now striving to use only free range chickens and eggs. They're even going as far as to making sure the mayonnaise brands they buy only use free range eggs in the making of their products.

I guess with Bono on the crusade for poverty and Madonna on the crusade for AIDS, it was up to Jamie to crusade for the chicks. Click on this to view the opening scenes from Jamie's Fowl Dinners - MAY BE DISTURBING FOR SOME.

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