Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Hottest State School in America?

I was reading The Oracle this weekend and stumbled across this article.  I had heard rumors that New Paltz was trying to close the bars earlier, but I chalked them up to just that.. rumors. This article solidified the fact that Ulster County is petitioning for New Paltz bars to close at 2am, two hours earlier than the regular time of 4am. The petition is strictly for New Paltz bars, the claim is that New Paltz brings in outsiders, escalating the violence and chaos that ensues late night on Main Street. The Oracle article does a wonderful job of showing both sides of the story, but more importantly (for me and other bar frequenters) highlights the idea that closing the bar is really going to do nothing to decrease the violence or high volume of people on Main Street. If the bars get closed, people will just stay on the street, instead of in the bars, and wouldn't that be more of a problem?

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