Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jokes on Palin

A Canadian comedy duo prank phone called Sarah Palin earlier this week. First of all that is awesome. I don't know how hard it is to get Sarah Palin on the phone, I've never tried, but it can't be a simple piece of cake. She actually thought she was talking to President Nicolas Sarkozy, but she was talking to the notorious Masked Avengers, known for pranking celebrities. They talked to Palin about going hunting together and how much fun it is to take life from animals. The two also mocked a comment she made about being able to see Russia from her Alaska, saying that they could see Belgium where they live, making them both excellent at foreign affairs. Throughout the phone call the two say numerous things that make it so evident this is a prank phone call, only Palin is too dense to realize. It makes me nervous that this person is up for Vice President. She's suppose to be in charge of an entire country if McCain dies, yet she can not even catch on to a prank phone call. This is too funny, as well as sad.

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