Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3 Cups of Coffe a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

I know this isn't a feature story, however, I personally became very intrigued by a Swedish study that was recently published linking coffee to breast cancer and to breast size. The study, which was published in the British Journal of Cancer, was based on earlier studies linking coffee to breast cancer. Apparently, if you drink at least three cups of coffee a day, you reduce your risk of breast cancer. Being an avid caffeine freak, I was excited to hear that coffee, which gets a bad rap, is actually doing something positive for my health. However, the latest study shows that nearly half of women have a gene that causes coffee to reduce breast size. This explains a few things (although it must have skipped my mother's generation). The question is, in all vanity, will women who now know this fact skimp on the coffee for the sake of larger breasts? Or will they opt for the extra shot of espresso to improve their health. If this study is indeed valid, I am surely keeping myself healthy with the three shots of espresso I have in every latte and the numerous coffees I drink on a daily basis. The link that lead to the research is when women with smaller breasts were found to have lower chances of breast cancer in conjunction to the fact that coffee reduces risk of breast cancer as well. Interesting stuff to think about next time you're in line at Jazzman's. This one goes out to men, too, since 10% of breast cancer patients are males.

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