Thursday, November 27, 2008

Today i was watching TV with my dad and we began watching his new favorite show on T.V called the Mentalist. Its just another show kind of like C.S.I or N.C.I.S ( weird that they all have similar names).In the mentalist the people work for the C.B.I. But strangely enough when I sat down to do some of these blog posts, I came across an article review in the New Yorker about this show,as well as the popular and very addicting show "Lost". This article talks about the basic plot of these two shows as well as some of the charcaters.
While at school I never really find myself watching any particular show on a regular basis. Whenever I come home my dad is always watching these scientific , mystery dramas and I always really enjoy them. You don't really need to watch them regularly to know whats going on from episode to episode because each one is differentiates the crime, mystery or case that needs to be solved. The only thing you will not be informed about is the little side dramas directly involving like who the characters are and their roles with other people and what not.
I would have to say that these types of science-like, mystery solving, adventurous tv shows are some of the best kinds around right now. I cant really find much wrong with them, ok maybe the acting isnt the most phenominal or anything, but they are very engaging. It's hard not to get sucked in and try and guess how to solve the cases while watching. While watching the Mentalist, me and my dad were constantly spitting out side comments on what we thought was going to end up being the result. And the best part of the show is, that you can never actually guess what is going to be the solution or the ending. There is alwasy such a creative spin on things making it almost impossible to be predictable. Therefore, I reccomend watching these shows!

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