Sunday, November 23, 2008

American Imperialism

This video is a summation of Howard Zinn's book, A People's History of American Empire. Zinn, a historian, social activist, political scientist and more, uses his experiences as a World War II bomber as a backdrop for his critiques on American foreign policy through out it's history. I found this particular video interesting for it's mixed use of cartoon imagery, stock footage and narration. In today's multimedia world, expanding our horizons to watch even short video's like this one stirs new ideas and has indeed become second nature. Although I feel it is only right to do more research and become informed about any subject before drawing conclusions,and not just use small spinets like these as your only source of information, video's such as these help steer us towards greater understanding of larger issues. They also hold your interest because of the imagery, an important tool for today.

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