Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!

I guess it's a good thing that I waited on line for nearly the entire class period to cast my vote, that means that people, especially students (I voted on campus) are taking an active role in this election. While waiting to vote I was able to speak to some of the students who had be turned away. It seems that many of the problems students voting in the Student Union Building had was a lack of active registration. Rossana Rega, a senior, told me that she has specifically changed her address to be able to vote in New Paltz but somehow the paper work had not gone through, a problem she was not made aware of until she turned up to vote. Julia Hoffman, also a senior, stated that she thought she was registered to vote but her name was not in the books. After speaking with these students I took a chance at asking the election inspector if there had been a lot of problems like those of Rossana and Julia. Surprisingly the The Election Inspector spoke to me at length about the problems with student registration saying that its not that she had to "turn people away" but many students voter status could not be validated because they were not registered as active voters. She ardently stressed that as a student she believes that people should re-register every year to ensure their active voter status.

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