Sunday, November 23, 2008

Seven Days Without Spending

       Articles concerning ways to save money have recently become incredibly popular due to the economy, and personally, I've gotten pretty tired of hearing about it. How do you save money? Gee, I dunno, maybe you spend less. It doesn't seem to be brain science. But an article I recently came across on CNN throws that to the wind. It is indeed hard to decrease spending, especially when you decide to not spend even one cent for an entire week.  Steve Almond, the author of " The Agony of Seven Days Without Spending" wrote about his entire week of not spending anything and spun it in an incredibly humorous manner. As the stereotypical man who, " try(s) to convert self deprivation into a virtue," he assumed that his week on zero spending would be easy, however, as the week progressed he learned that it was actually not so easy to float along on nothing. It just so happened that he needed a haircut and it was his wife's birthday. This article wasn't very long at all, and it took an interesting approach to structure, as a feature story. It was also a personal essay, which seems to be a surprising difficult form of feature writing. Definitely worth taking the time to read, and it;s very entertaining, so it wont seem time consuming at all! 

photo courtesy of

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