Sunday, November 23, 2008


Barack Obama is cleaning up, even before he hits the Oval Office! "Polebrity", (or political celebrity) a new word created through the Obama campaign, has helped Obama and his croonies bump up the economy through various merchandising efforts by companies all over the nation. 

"Mr. Obama has been the best marketed presidential candidate, with the most sophisticated branding since, John F Kennedy used television to get elected in 1960," said Allen Adamson, managing director of the New York office of Landor Associates, a corporate and brand identity agency. 

It is only November, two months before Obama even hits the White House, and merchandising sales have hit over $200 million. Merchandising efforts include books, coffee mugs, Obama medallions, tee-shirts, and so much more. 

Hopefully Obama's successful marketing plan will translate into other areas of his presidency, such as hmmm foreign relations?!

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