Saturday, November 8, 2008

Local stories in Wyoming...Bison Roaming

So, after finding like I talked about in my previous block post which is right above this one, i decided it would be fun to browse around and look up local news from places such as the midwest. I looked up the largest newspaper in the state of Wyoming called the Casper Tribune and I began browsing the site. All of us as New Yorkers would have been shocked to find that one of the stories under Wyoming Headlines was "Agencies to let more Bison outsdie of Yellowstone." Bison? We dont have those roaming around New York! So i thought it was interesting to look at how local stories from places different from than where we live could seen funny to us. Just as someone from a small farm raising Bison in Wyoming might be scared to death to read one of New Yorks papers that discuss murders, robberies and crime.

picture from you!!

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