Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Storm Sold Out


Verizon Wireless on Friday launched the new RIM BlackBerry Storm by Research In Motion. Several Verizon stores have sold out and have no inventory for the phone. The first batches of the new BlackBerry mobile phone emptied store shelves hours after its official launch. Verizon is forced to delay some shipments until December 15. The new RIM BlackBerry mobile device is in high demand. However, shipments for some orders are being delayed until December 15.

This weekend I was eligible for an upgrade and went to my local Verizon store, to my disbelief I was surrounded by 50 people waiting in line. I would have left but my brothers also were upgrading, I waited for about 45 minutes to find out the phone was sold out. After talking to the representative who really had no clue what he was talking about for upgrades I decided to customer service, who is always helpful, and they said if I ordered today I would wait three weeks and recommended to see if I can find it in store first.

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