Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bad Grade?

This was inspired by nothing other than a bad grade! (That of course I don't think I deserved).
I got used to receiving A's and B's on my papers and exams, so when I got a C+ on one of my papers I was pissed! There are so many things I want to say about it but instead of spewing negative things all over this blog, I'll spin that energy around and allow the following quotes to inspire myself and students alike.

"If I don’t do as well as I had expected to on an assignment or test, then it motivates me to work even harder in the class. I’ll study more and put more time and effort into my work for that class. I also think that speaking with the professor helps, because that way they see that you are making an effort. Don’t wait until the day before the next test or project is due to speak to your professor, go talk to them early. You will look better in their eyes if they see that you aren’t waiting until the last minute and you will benefit from getting whatever advice they may give you earlier."
--Cayla C.

"Receiving a lower grade than expect was always a panic moment for me at first. With the first glance of the grade on the paper there is always a lot of anticipation. After seeing the grade, having a brief panic moment, I would then read the professor's comments if any, and go back over the paper and test to see what I had done wrong. Since these grades were few and far between for me I often found myself waiting after class for the professor, sending him or her an email, or scheduling an appointment to figure out what I had done wrong."
--Micaela H.

"I’d be lying if I ever said it didn’t hurt -- it’s very discouraging when you get low grades. Fortunately for me, though, is that every bad grade I’ve gotten on a test or paper has usually been directly correlated to how much time/effort I spent preparing for the test. Whether it’s not spending enough time studying or staying up too late the night before, or even not eating before the test, I try to take low grades as a reason to do better on the next assignment. It’s hard to not feel pressure to perform well on the next test, but you have to go into every test with a clean slate and feel like you are doing your personal best -- and for me, whenever I feel like I did my personal best, I’ve usually been happy with my results. Always remember, as well, if you do badly on something and don’t know why, it’s a really good idea to talk to the professor about ways they suggest you should prepare for the next assignment. Especially with projects, doing the bulk of them ahead of time and continually checking in with your professor to make sure you’re doing it right will increase your chances of having a good result."
--Jessica W.

For more quotes like these, from students like you and me, visit the Student Success Strategies Website at:

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